Arthropods – Crustaceans
Arthropods are an extremely diverse group of invertebrates.
Typology: Invertebrate organisms
Area: Tagliamento valley / Tolmezzo basin
Arthropods – Trilobites
The Trilobites are a group of arthropods that lived during the Palaeozoic era and are now completely extinct.
Typology: Invertebrate organisms
Area: Western Carnic Alps, Eastern Carnic Alps
Molluscs are among the most diverse and widespread groups of invertebrates and are mainly marine animals, very variable between each other in terms of morphology and way of life.
Typology: Invertebrate organisms
Area: Gail valley, Western Carnic Alps, Eastern Carnic Alps, Tagliamento valley / Tolmezzo basin
I cnidari includono gli scifozoi (meduse), gli idrozoi e gli antozoi (coralli).
L’aspetto che li accomuna è che presentano un ciclo vitale con generazioni successive di morfologia diversa
Typology: Invertebrate organisms
Area: Western Carnic Alps, Eastern Carnic Alps, Tagliamento valley / Tolmezzo basin
Si tratta di organismi unicellulari diffusi nei mari di tutto il mondo e nelle acque dolci, sia planctonici (trasportati passivamente dalle acque) che bentonici (abitanti dei fondali).
Typology: Protozoa
Area: Gail valley, Western Carnic Alps, Eastern Carnic Alps, Tagliamento valley / Tolmezzo basin
The Gastropods are a class of Molluscs. These organisms live on the seabed, in fresh waters, on land (in the form of slugs and snails), or floating like plankton (pteropods)
Typology: Invertebrate organisms
Area: Western Carnic Alps, Eastern Carnic Alps, Tagliamento valley / Tolmezzo basin
I Brachiopodi sono organismi filtratori esclusivamente marini con conchiglie bivalvi: una ventrale (umbonale o peduncolare) più grande e una dorsale (o branchiale) più piccola.
Typology: Invertebrate organisms
Area: Western Carnic Alps, Eastern Carnic Alps